
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    Web Services & WSDL Definitions


    In a brief departure from my once a day posts, I wanted to point out a couple of nice pieces on WSDL over that the HR-XML blog. WSDL part 1:  A starting point for web serives WSDL part 2:  Patterns…

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    Workstream Product Enhancements


    The Talent management space is always a complex market. If you think about the talent management suite, you’re talking about workforce development, learning managmeent, performance management, compensation management, succession planning, and probably a few more I can’t think of off…

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    XML Interfacing


    Chuck Allen over at the HR-XML blog has been writing for a while and a post on employee indicative data caught my attention. If you think about all your most common interfaces, employee indicative data is the one used the…

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    Web Services part 4: and Federated Identity Networks


    A while back I wrote about single sign-on. While the ability for users to log into multiple systems without actually performing the log-in task is wonderful, until very recently (sometime in 2005 IMHO) single sign-on only existed within a single…

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    HR Systems and Data Model


    Well, for my first post of the year, I thought I’d do a data model for HR service delivery. Having been a theorist for too long, I definitely have my own ideas of what HR service delivery should look like…

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    cFactor Portal Review and ADP Portal Redux


    Back to the ADP portal discussion, I was invited to take a look at cFactor’s self service portal and came away pretty impressed. A very clean user interface that is obviously brand-able with whatever your organization needs. The standard package…

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    ADP’s On-Demand HRMS Direction


    I saw this press release and got to thinking about ADP’s direction with HRMS. Why do I keep talking about ADP and why are they important? Being the 10,000 lb. gorilla in the payroll market, they are actually also one…

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    Employer branding, talent and engagement Part 3


    So what does all of this have to do with HR Technology and service delivery? Employee Self Service/Portal Manager Self Service/Portal HR Service Center Print Communications I am a firm believer that while your verbal communications are your most powerful…

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    More on Portals


    Blogger over at Systematic Viewpoints has been writing about PeopleSoft portals and his implementation experiences lately. Of particular interest is his/er organization’s struggle with the HR portal versus the enterprise portal. If you’re on common platforms (PS, SAP, PT) then…

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    What’s a portal?


    Usually I’m right there with the 3 major consulting firms (Mercer, TP and WW). However, this time I’m not quite sure if Mercer get’s what a portal is vs a web page. Joe Loya and Debbie Slappey of Mercer said…

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    State of the Industry – Portal


    When I talk about portals, I’m talking about an HR portal – not the enterprise portal. Portal is not synonymous with employee and manager self service – portals indicate another level of technology. Here’s a good portal explanation from a…

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    Workscape code development certified


    I honestly don’t know much about Workscape code, architecture and design. I was involved in a project with them about 5 years ago when the organization and product were in their infancy and they were impressive at that time. Since…

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    ADP and web services


    I keep talking about ADP. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) but in my defense, they are the largest of the HR outsourcers. CIO Insight has a great article on what they are doing to create a seamless web portal…

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    Web services and non-integration


    This article found on the Harvard Business School website speaks to the failure of web services and the trouble of integration. These days, rather than doing large integration projects, we’re using portals to bring single views to users, but avoiding…

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    Talent, Outsourcing, and MSS


    Since my last post was on talent, I thought I’d see if I could tie it back into systems somehow. As we continuously look at talent in both retention and acquisition modes, we must realize that we’re not only trying…

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    Plumtree portals and ROI


    Plumtree has just made it much easier to substantiate the ROI on your portal investment. Of course, your organization has to be using the Plumtree portal, but this is one of the best out there anyway. Portals generally allow you…

  • Current Reading for HR portals


    Here’s a newish Deloitte whitepaper on HR portals. This is a short but sweet write-up on some important aspects to consider when selecting a portal technology. Keep in mind there’s a sales pitch in there for DT consulting services.

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    ESS, ROI, and SHRM


    If you have access to, you might want to check out an article called “Leveraging the Shift to Self-Service-It’s Time to Go Strategic” by “Leslie A. Weatherly, SPHR, HR Content Expert.” It just further proves to me why I…