
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    How To Give All The Wrong Answers


    As per my last post,at the end of 2012, I was doing a family vacation in Taiwan.  Being with family for 2 weeks is quite an expose into mannerisms that each of us have.  I was particularly intrigued by my…

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    How To Ask All The Wrong Questions


    At the end of 2012, I was doing a family vacation in Taiwan.  When I say family vacation, I mean not just my wife and me, but my brother’s family along with my parents, visiting all of the senior members…

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    The Art of Story


    Whether you are at a conference watching a videographer recording the event, or witnessing a $100M film getting made, the process of recording to final editing is always the same.  Actually seeing how stories unfold is rather amazing – it’s…

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    I remember when I moved into my last house (I’m in a condo now, it’s what happens when you move to the Bay Area, a house becomes an apartment).  We moved in and my wife had in her mind that…