Analytics and Big Data
Common Sense KPI’s Gone Wrong
I love dashboards. I have a goals list on my phone tracking how many miles I’m supposed to run or ride on my bike. I have a trending graph on the device that tells my how much I weigh. The…
All Posts, Analytics and Big Data, Big Data, Cloud, Data & Metrics, Features, Talent, Talent Acquisition
Big Data For HR & Recruiting: 2 Use Cases
Forget about Google. One of the world’s favorite sites has got to be “Let me google that for you.” With the wondrous world of the internet and ubiquitous information, ubiquitous access through our mobile devices, and ubiquitous connectivity, whenever…
Analytics and Big Data, Big Data, Data & Metrics, Features, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Technology
Bread & Butter
It always frustrates me when I’m dieting – I have to forego one of my favorite food items: Butter. Butter (fat) along with bacon fat (fat) is one of those amazing joys of life. When butter is great, a bit…
It’s Time For the CedarCrestone HR Technology Survey
It’s that time of year again. The IHRIM conference is going on this week (no I’m not there), and the CedarCrestone HR Technology Survey is in full swing. I publicize this particular survey every year for a couple of reasons….
Is Big Data An HR Directive?
I have an argument with my wife every few years. I tend to like cars with a bit more horsepower. I mean, that 1 time a year when there is a really stupid driver about to crash into you, a…
Analytics and Big Data, Collaboration, Communications, Data & Metrics, Engagement, Enterprise Solutions, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Technology
I Don’t Want No Stinkin’ Analytics!
I’m a nerd. I get on my bike or I go for a run, and I’ve got my Garmin GPS running the whole time telling me how far I went, how fast I went, what my heart rate was, (ok…
Using HR Analytics to WIN
So I have to admit it’s hard to come off the election and not write about this. This election was defined by some pretty deep population analysis, incredible forecasting and pretty significant actions to try to address the most important…