Vendor Mgmt
When to Walk Away from a Sale: The Vendor Side of Vendor Management
Since Donald Glade has been tackling vendor management, an article in “the CEO Refresher” ((McLaughlin, Michael W. “When to Walk Away From a Sale: Nine Pivotal Questions.” Retrieved from on May 21, 2006.)) caught my eye when I noticed…
Relationship Management V – Implementation
I was talking with a client this week about the implementation of an outsourced solution to payroll, HRIS and benefits administration that he would soon be going through. He has every intention of engaging third party assistance with the implementation….
Relationship Management IV – Project Management
So you’ve outsourced HRIS, or payroll, or H&W benefits administration, or applicant tracking, or any one of numerous HR functions and now your job is finished, right? Well most of you know the answer to that is no. You still…
Relationship Management III – The Culture of Accommodation
Last week we saw what happens when service providers fail to actively manage client expectations. Client satisfaction suffers, and ultimately the relationship can become at risk.We explored the notion that client expectations are frequently mishandled during the sales cycle, but…
Relationship Management II – Managing Expectations
Last week I wrote, in part, about outsourced service providers’ client satisfaction programs which monitor how satisfied clients are with performance. At any given point in time, there are a number of clients who don’t believe their service providers are…
Relationship Management – Part I
Back in January, Double Dubs posted an article titled Vendor or Client – Who’s Fault Is It? The question is not an academic one, as companies spend a combined fortune greater than the GDP of many countries in search of…