
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology

HR Technology

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    Global Payroll Outsourcing


    One of the major irritations to multinational companies attempting to manage their employees through a single database is the inability to outsource payroll to a single provider. Instead, if the MNC is in 20 countries, it’s likely they will have…

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    ADP hiring index for Background Checks


    I’m very curious if ADP’s background check press release that the number of checks has tripled since 1997 is a realistic number. While I’m sure that as talent management has taken over the industry, the number of checks has increased…

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    Oracle does the right thing


    Oracle’s “Project Fusion” gives me great hope in the future of non-SAP HRMS. So I understand that PeopleSoft the ERP is gone, and so is JD Edwards. But the idea that everything will be swallowed by Oracle with no remains…

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    Ultimate Software Review


    Well, I did an Lawson Systems thing a week ago, so I figured I’d do Ultimate since they release improved earnings last week. Here is my very biased opinion: vendors like Lawson and Ultimate should just close shop and go…

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    Outsourcing is failing the large employer market


    There’s quite a bit of Deloitte research out there on outsourcing in general. Much of it points to the positive impact of outsourcing, and a recent study notes outsourcing’s failure. Ok – that’s a bit dramatic I suppose. The outsourcing…

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    Workforce Performance Studies and Business Results


    IHRIM and Knowledge Infusion produced a report on workforce performance, HCM, and business results. IHRIM webinar will be on May 19, but here’s a preview: The results of the initial IHRIM and Knowledge Infusion Workforce Performance Survey include: – 96%…

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    Aberdeen’s TM study reviewed


    Aberneen’s article points to several conclusions that talent acquisition is no longer a viable total solution for organizations lacking a total talent strategy. As employers face an aging workforce and possibly a lack of skilled talent in the employable population,…

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    Off-peopleing (Dubs gets preachy)


    I think the point of this guy’s blog is to sell his book (ok – maybe not as you can download it for free), but he makes an interesting point. And no, I haven’t read this yet either, but I’ll…

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    Benefit compliance and vendors part 2


    Single sourcing, or using multiple vendors? Let’s take 401(k), where you might have Fidelity doing the recordkeeping and account administration (stock investments). This seems like the fox guarding the henhouse and goes back to the whole Spitzer conversation again. I…

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    Benefit compliance and vendors


    I’ll be on a benefits kick today. I visited an organization that allows it’s broker access to the employee base in order to sell voluntary benefit plans. Due to their close relationship with the broker, they were adamant that the…

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    A primer on HRMS evolution


    OK – so I promised a “primer on HRMS evolution” so here it is. I’m not actually talking about HRMS evolution as much as I’m talking about the purchasing trend that’s going on right now. Back in the good old…

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    SAP and HRO platforms


    A few weeks ago I stated I thought SAP would end up being the default HRMS platform for HRO/BPO vendors. Looks like they have started the ball rolling. Instead of getting into HRO administration, they are doing what they do…

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    A primer on messaging


    Michael picked up on my workflow post and added some great points regarding messaging. I thought I’d do a light “primer on messaging” to round out the topic. Now I have to figure out how to explain this in 3…

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    IBM’s inability to capitalize on HRO


    Well, maybe tier inability to capitalize on IT services and BPO in general seem to have tripped up the entire stock market, and especially the U.S. market. IBM has been moving towards services over data center management for some time…

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    Lawson Systems Review


    OK – so I never mentioned Lawson until the last post. They are definitely one of the major vendors in the enterprise HR space, but I’ve always had concerns about them. My personal opinion is they are a prime takeover…

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    A primer on workflow


    So what is workflow? Well obviously the first thing that comes to mind are the simple messages that we get when a database event happens. However, I’d like to take some time and expand on what this means, and what…

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    Oh My God!!! Payroll Outsourcing


    Ultimate is not the best payroll outsourcer. In fact, do they even really qualify for this category? Let’s talk Paychex, ADP and Ceridian. Now these are outsourcers. What’s the difference? A huge back room – the 3 REAL PR vendors…

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    Tough adoption for e-learning


    I must admit that while I’m an avid reader of news and information on the web, e-learning just irritates me. On the web, I want to be able to control the pace of my interactions with the PC and go…

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    The ATS Market


    OK – so I’m writing a lot about ATS vendors lately and I thought I’d do an overview of the market. As usually, this is my opinion of the market, and even some of the “facts and figures” in here…

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    ATS News


    In an “it’s about time” one of the major ATS vendors is finally rolling out a hiring management solution for the lower end market. For all the people who were sick of seeing $250K implementations for BrassRing and Taleo, Taleo…