
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    HR Market Health & Vendor Updates


    This info is now old (May 17), but I always find it interesting to see how vendors are doing. has a quarterly review of some trends. Here are a couple of comments I have: Paychex will always do well….

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    Outsourcing and Strategic HR


    Andrew wrote a nice piece about outsourcers and how they have to change their “look” in order to succeed in the future. To quote him, Business service providers need to be strategic to truly succeed. Indeed, being strategic can often…

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    HR Technology News notes


    I just got done saying how nobody out there in HRO could really implement international payroll in a single platform. There are exceptions out there of course, but I thought ADP was the closest due to their network of in-country…

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    Recruitment Process Outsourcing


    I’m not totally sure what the difference is between RPO and hiring a headhunter. Perhaps there is more technology invloved, but a headhunter does many of the same functions. basically we are talking about replacing the recruiting function in your…

  • One more thing about labor management systems


    One more thing about labor management systems: It will really help you with your wage and hour compliance.

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    Time & Labor Management and tracking your key EE metrics


    You know, I never talk much about labor management (because payroll and timekeeping is boring), but here’s a great example. If we take a quick inventory of our major systems, we have: Core HR Payroll Benefits Administration Labor Management (Time…

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    Talent, Outsourcing, and MSS


    Since my last post was on talent, I thought I’d see if I could tie it back into systems somehow. As we continuously look at talent in both retention and acquisition modes, we must realize that we’re not only trying…

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    Global Payroll Outsourcing


    One of the major irritations to multinational companies attempting to manage their employees through a single database is the inability to outsource payroll to a single provider. Instead, if the MNC is in 20 countries, it’s likely they will have…

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    HRO and non-cost decision drivers


    First of all, if you have never looked here – check out Cap Gemeni’s library. So Cap Gemeni comes out with a survey that organizations looking to outsource really have other objectives other than cost savings. Obviously these have to…

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    Outsourcing is failing the large employer market


    There’s quite a bit of Deloitte research out there on outsourcing in general. Much of it points to the positive impact of outsourcing, and a recent study notes outsourcing’s failure. Ok – that’s a bit dramatic I suppose. The outsourcing…

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    Benefit compliance and vendors part 2


    Single sourcing, or using multiple vendors? Let’s take 401(k), where you might have Fidelity doing the recordkeeping and account administration (stock investments). This seems like the fox guarding the henhouse and goes back to the whole Spitzer conversation again. I…

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    Benefit compliance and vendors


    I’ll be on a benefits kick today. I visited an organization that allows it’s broker access to the employee base in order to sell voluntary benefit plans. Due to their close relationship with the broker, they were adamant that the…

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    SAP and HRO platforms


    A few weeks ago I stated I thought SAP would end up being the default HRMS platform for HRO/BPO vendors. Looks like they have started the ball rolling. Instead of getting into HRO administration, they are doing what they do…

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    IBM’s inability to capitalize on HRO


    Well, maybe tier inability to capitalize on IT services and BPO in general seem to have tripped up the entire stock market, and especially the U.S. market. IBM has been moving towards services over data center management for some time…

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    HRO executives expect consolidation


    All the major HRO players are saying their sales pipelines are full. The problem is that competition is making the revenues per employee per year drop substantially, and margins are not sufficiently high to sustain the industry. Everyone seems to…

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    Oh My God!!! Payroll Outsourcing


    Ultimate is not the best payroll outsourcer. In fact, do they even really qualify for this category? Let’s talk Paychex, ADP and Ceridian. Now these are outsourcers. What’s the difference? A huge back room – the 3 REAL PR vendors…

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    BrassRing and staffing HRO


    I thought it would be a cool thing to spotlight either vendor services or software functionality every now and then. Generally I won’t look at “the normal stuff” but instead I’ll check out things that I think are new, in…

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    Outsourcing employment verifications with Talx


    Every time I go visit clients to think about new HRMS systems, one of the topics that comes up most often (functionally) is how software can automate all the requests from mortgage companies for employment and salary verifications. Now, there’s…

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    HR Budget Funding


    Surprise surprise!! This article begins by stating that HR is often the last department to get funding for technology and process automation. However, this historical trend seems to be changing as HR becomes more strategic. The article does not really…

  • Terrorism, telecommuting, and technology


    In a freakish twist, some government officials are promoting telecommuting as a possible cornerstone of security in the face of terrorist threats. It seems that in the even of a major attack, organizations allowing telecommuting would better maintain economic productivity…