Cloud, Collaboration, Communications, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Strategy and Technology, HR Technology, Portal, Portal Technology, Service Delivery, Social
The new HR Portal is not an HR Portal
systematicHRWhat exactly was Web 1.0? I honestly can’t even remember. I barely even remember Web 2.0 other than it was the advent of user interactivity so minimally executed that today’s teenagers would not even recognize it as internet. Oh, wait…
Augmented Reality Onboarding
systematicHRSo I’m looking for a restaurant. I bring up my phone, hold it up in front of me, and scan what’s around. It tells me that 1.2 miles over that way there is a Thai place that is rated week,…
Collaboration, Communications, Data & Metrics, Engagement, Features, Social, Social and Gamification, Social Talent, Talent
HR, Twitter and Osama bin Laden
systematicHRYeah – I’m going to write about this. I just finished watching Zero Dark Thirty on the plane, and I’m thinking back to that day. I remember landing in the Chicago airport, booting up my phone and checking Twitter. Scrolling…
Blogging, Branding, HR Strategy, HR Strategy and Technology, Social, Social Talent, Talent, Talent Acquisition, Work Life
The Permanent Record
systematicHRPerhaps it was because I’m Chinese American and my Chinese parents were rather crazed about education. I did graduate high school with a 4.2 GPA and considered myself an academic failure (still do in fact). My parents used to threaten…
All Posts, Engagement, Gamification, HR Strategy, Learning Mgmt, Social, Social and Gamification, Social Talent, Talent, Talent Mgmt
I Could Have Been A Ditch Digger
systematicHRNote of warning: Stereotypes follow in plenty. Last year I wrote a post titled “I could have been a rice farmer.” It’s completely true that had my parents not moved from Taiwan to the United States before I was born,…
All Posts, Branding, Collaboration, Communications, Governance, HR Technology, Social, Social and Gamification, Social Talent
Social Trust, Authority and Contributorship
systematicHRThere are three people who are pretty commonly in my car. They will go unnamed. One of them is pretty similar to me. She always knows where she is, which way is north, and can get around pretty well. The…
The Cloud
systematicHRSeven years ago, we started talking about social media in HR. I remember this at a conference and nobody got it. In fact, pretty much all the HR people said that it was a bad idea, it was not for…
The Social Recruiting Process: What You Need to Know
Guest AuthorTechniques being used to find and hire talent have changed significantly in the last few years and it’s quickly moving toward a social process. According to a survey from Jobvite, 92% of companies in the US used social platforms for recruiting…
All Posts, Blogging, Change Management, Communications, Data & Metrics, Enterprise Solutions, Governance, HR Technology, Social, Social and Gamification, Social Talent, Web 2.0
Social Taxonomies: Tagging versus Crowd Metrics
systematicHREvery now and then, I’m parked at a mall, convention center, airport, and I ask myself, “now where did I park my car? OK, so I don’t lose my car that often, but on occasion it happens. OK, I’m not…
HR Social Media – A sytematicHR Case Study
systematicHRI should probably congratulate the readership of this blog. For CedarCrestone’s annual technology survey, we created one of the largest populations of viable, usable submissions out of any social media outlet that the survey used. (Note that this post was…
All Posts, Blogging, Change Management, Collaboration, Communications, Engagement, HR Strategy, HR Technology, Social, Social Talent, Web 2.0
Feedback and Calling BS in Social
systematicHRAn interesting thing happened at the recent HR Technology Conference. During Naomi Bloom’s “Master Panel,” when Mike Capone noted that ADP had the first SaaS application, before anyone else and before anyone called it SaaS, many of my compatriots on…