Web 2.0
Change Management, Collaboration, Communications, Engagement, Functional, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Technology, Service Delivery, Web 2.0
I Can Finally Buy My Dad a Smart Phone
Just a couple years ago, my parents came back to the US after years of being overseas missionaries. They have been in Siberia, on a random island in the Pacific, etc… and they came back to a world where cell…
Creating Information from Knowledge from Collaboration
It’s nice being a consultant. People like consultants because we have a specific approach to a problem. We talk to lots of people, look at lots of documents, conduct workshops. Then we synthesize what we have learned and create judgments…
Enterprise Solutions, HR Technology, Innovation, Point Solutions, Portal, Service Delivery, Vendor Mgmt, Web 2.0
The Technology Does Not Sell
Years ago, there is a motorola executive was speaking to a group of students. He asks the students to answer a couple of simple questions, “who among you owns a motorola cell phone?”. A small group of students raise their…
Fusion HCM Website is Up
Just an FYI since this appears to be about the softest launch we’ve seen in ages. Considering we’ve been waiting for Fusion for a while. Here’s an FYI that the website is up and perhaps the software is in GA…
The Lowest Common Denominator
I’ve been trying to sell people on the Google Android operating system for smart phones lately. I’m not sure that it’s really about the Android versus the iPhone for me – more likely it’s the fact that I’m a long…
Change Management, Communications, Engagement, Enterprise Solutions, HR Service Delivery, HR Technology, Portal, Portal Technology, Web 2.0
Android versus iPhones
The web is alive with comparisons of Google Android phones and Apple iPhones. While it seemed for a long time that the iPhone was going to own the market, Android has slowly picked up steam. In fact, Apple may have…
Most of us are Ants
Saratoga says that large organizations have an average of 7 to 9 hierarchical levels. This means from the top to the bottom, there are 8 layers of management. I’m going to make some assumptions and say that a lot of…
Collaboration, Communications, Engagement, Enterprise Solutions, HR Technology, Innovation, Portal Technology, Web 2.0
Meaningful Experiences in Web 2.0
I’ve complained about information overload before. As we get into lists and networks and blogs, and microblogs, we subject ourselves to information from increasingly diverse sources. Some of these are annoying sources that we wish we didn’t have anything to…
Linking Communication Collaboration and Talent
There was a time when if you wanted to collaborate, the only way to do it was either walking over to someone and having a conversation, or perhaps you could call someone’s “secretary” and leave a message. Then we got…
Talent Particles in Action
Until tonight, I’ve never seen a lightning storm from above the clouds. I’m not sure what percentage of lightning strikes actually are visible below the clouds, but this storm over Texas that I’m watching has a few lightning bolts per…
HR Web 2.0 Supply Chain
In most businesses, if the supply chain stops, everything stops. Ford can’t make cars if they don’t have wheels, hospitals get pretty jammed up if all the CT machines are down, and most organizations wither away if the sales pipeline…
Yelp and the Future of BI Search
I’m sitting (almost) next to a guy who works for Yelp. He just did a pretty interesting tutorial to the person in the middle seat ((great seat buddies for once – how often does that happen?)) about some interesting features…