
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    Does Kronos own Kronos HR?


    I’m posting this because I’m fairly ticked off about a “conversation” I had with someone on another bulletin board. During this conversation (with many other people) I expressed some opinions about HR software and particular vendors. I also stated that…

  • Offshoring as Outsourcing


    Offshoring is a huge topic these days, and as it impacts HR and I can tie it to outsourcing, I’ll write about it. If you are curious, here are a couple of links at Mckinsey (one and two). For those…

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    Single sourcing HRO?


    What’s up with HRO vendors revisited. As sort of a follow-up to my last post on HR Consultancies, here’s an interesting article about HRO and the wisdom of single sourcing your entire HR relationship to one vendor. I’m not actually…

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    Implementation glitches and huge clients


    Apparently Fidelity’s benefit administration services division screwed up 22,000 GM employees and retirees who no longer have benefits (temporarily). Now, I don’t usually comment on benefits administration, but as this is part of Fidelity’s larger HRO offering, I will. I…

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    HRO prices going down for small business


    This Inc. article is a nice review of costs of HRO for smaller businesses. Although I really don’t focus on small business, it’s difficult to provide economies of scale to them when your costs are generally based on a per…

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    Mellon HRMS Survey for 2005 – Immature HRO Industry


    Again, here’s another somewhat self serving HRMS survey, but Mellon actually surveyed a couple hundred HR and finance professionals, so it looks pretty good and objective. Also, Mellon was in the middle of trying to sell their HRO business while…

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    Aon’s self serving press release and ROI


    I promise I will do a post on ROI in the near future. This is a bit of a rant about consutling company studies that are publisehd in trade magazines that are clearly not an attempt at objectivity. Aon is…

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    Sarbanes Oxley and a case for Outsourcing


    Thought I’d take a minute to comment on Deloitte’s top 10 problems for financial reporting in 2005. See it here Note that the top 2 items are very HR oriented (number 2 because it hits everyone). The first item is…

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    Watson Wyatt weighs in on Bush’s Social Security plan


    In an unexpectedly objective move for an actuarial service, Watson Wyatt released oppositionary opinions on W’s private accounts for Socual Security, one for and one against. Unexpected for me because I figured actuaries would weigh in on my side of…

  • Pensions vs. 401(k)?

    . With continuing problems around 401(k), are pensions really dead? Consumers are increasingly aware of problems investing for retirement income. Between employees not having any sophistication or investing savvy, employer HR organizations not wanting to provide investment advice (not that…

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    Mellon HRO purchased by ACS???


    ACS Deal For Mellon Unit Shows HR Outsourcing’s On A Roll My first thought was “who the heck is ACS?” Word on the street was that Watson Wyatt was the front runner for the Mellon deal. I guess Wyatt didn’t…

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    What’s up with HRO vendors?


    The human resource outsourcing industry may be the fastest growth segment of BPO. However, the US HRO (HR BPO) market is in complete dissaray. Nobody has the entire service offering put together in a package that provides functionality and service…