Diagramming Web 2.0 versus Enterprise 2.0
I like pictures. CIPD published a paper that was honestly quite annoying, but contained a couple of little gems. I was annoyed because the paper was entitled Web 2.0 and HR, but it never got past defining what Web 2.0…
The Stupidity of Crowds
I have a lot of favorite bloggers. I think I’ve tipped my virtual hat over to Rob Millard quite often here, but I was going backwards in time reading some of his old posts and got to reflecting on an…
What Integration Means
From an applications technology point of view, we’ve all known that integration simply means connecting data from one software component to another. Often we’ve used integration to mean that functional modules within a single suite (such as ERP – Oracle…
Gaming and Collaboration
Gen Y. They sit at their PC’s, play their games, and avoid all real social contact. As they enter the workforce, their lack of social skills will be a mismatch to that of the broader workforce who value direct, one…
Competencies and Collaboration Models
Does HR participate in the identifying who is in a project team and who collaborates? All too often, project teams are identified by people knowing other people and thinking that skill sets exist. The problem with this is that collaboration…
The Hype Around Facebook and HR
I mean really, what’s the big deal? This is yet another social networking tool that has invaded our work spaces. First it was personal access to e-mails during work hours. Then it was dating sites. (I once worked with an…
Evil HR on Social Networking
Evil HR being the well know Evil HR Lady of course. She and I share something in common – we work for prominent organizations, write a blog, and are anonymous about it. When it comes to social networking and the…
Social Media in the enterprise – best practice #4
Speaking about a client who never got anything done, an associate of mine once told me, “they are too in love with the process.” TOC (the other systematic) stated in best practice #3 that governance is critical in the implementation…
Collaboration is Innovation
When it comes to innovation, the myth of the lone genius dies hard. Most companies continue to assume that innovation comes from that individual genius, or, at best, small, sequestered teams that vanish from sight and then return with big…
Social Media Best Practice #3
As part of the other systematic’s (Systematic Viewpoints” series on social media: Best practice #3: Collaboration requires a balance of freedom and governance to thrive. ((Systematic Viewpoints, September 11, 2007. “Social media in the enterprise – best practice #3.”)) In…
The Toyota Way: Principle 9
Grow leaders who thoroughly understand the work, live the philosophy, and teach it to others. A succession plan is nice. You in HR get to figure out how to grow your successors and shape their future. But if your current…
How Social Networking Will End
Colin Kingsbury wrote an interesting piece about the end of social networking (I’ve borrowed the title to his post as I’m getting much too lazy these days). He writes: Just to recap, Harry joined Facebook, and attempted to invite his…
Creating Effective Collaboration Networks
If having the best talent is almost useless if you can’t get them to collaborate, then to some degree our mission in HR is assuring that we jump to the next step after we acquire and retain that talent. However,…
The New Collaboration
So much collaboration used to happen around “water cooler conversations.” These may have been informal lunches, chats in the halls, and even chats next to the water cooler in the lunch room. However, as the workforce increasingly works from home…
How Talent Networks Increase Profits
Getting the right people and retaining them is the start of building a great workforce. Engaging them to your brand is the next step. But the true work of optimizing the workforce is going to be in defining how the…