Knowledge Mgmt
Change Management, Collaboration, Communications, Engagement, Governance, HR Strategy, HR Technology, Innovation, Knowledge Mgmt
Managing Thinking, Managing Knowledge
On March 2, 2011, Pakistan’s Minister for Minority Affairs, Shahbaz Bhatti was assassinated. Like others before him (including Benazir Bhutto), he was killed for standing up for the right of Pakistanian citizens to believe in whatever they wanted to believe. …
The Singularity
What is “the singularity?” It’s basically the Terminator movie in practice. The singularity predicts that there is a point where computers become so intelligent that they are able to self replicate, they are able to generate knowledge at a supremely…
Cycling Concepts and HR: Time Trials
In cycling, the time trial is also known as the race of truth. It is the only time in cycling (triathlons excluded as that’s not real cycling…) where you are not allowed to draft or engage in team tactics. In…
Enterprise 2.0 Diagram
I ran across this quite interesting and comprehensive e2.0 diagram and thought I’d share. I like how it’s organized with Actors, Technologies and Methods as part of the engine behind e2.0, but as usual I have a few comments. I…
Diagramming Web 2.0 versus Enterprise 2.0
I like pictures. CIPD published a paper that was honestly quite annoying, but contained a couple of little gems. I was annoyed because the paper was entitled Web 2.0 and HR, but it never got past defining what Web 2.0…
Wiki as Knoweldge Management
We all have them in our organizations. These wonderful islands of preserved knowledge: databases of content that have been donated over time for consumption by the broader corporate population. Once the dreams and hopes of management types that have dwindled…
Collaboration is Innovation
When it comes to innovation, the myth of the lone genius dies hard. Most companies continue to assume that innovation comes from that individual genius, or, at best, small, sequestered teams that vanish from sight and then return with big…
Evolving from Knowledge Management to Innovation Networking
Knowledge management was all the rage a decade ago. People realized the need to maintain institutional and intellectual capital as employees filtered into an organization, created new knowledge, and then often left the organization leaving little trace of the knowledge…
Educating for a Lifetime
With rapid changes in technology, the business environment, and the dynamic nature of knowledge usability in the modern world, managing one’s career becomes increasingly difficult. Necessity dictates that employees not only change careers more often as their interests change and…
Change Management, Communications, HR Strategy, HR Technology, Knowledge Mgmt, Learning Mgmt, Portal
HBR – P2P and Web 2.0 Leadership Development
In 1995, two young U.S. Army officers who had been friends at West Point found themselves living down the street from each other at a base near Honolulu. Nate Allen and Tony Burgess were both in their first stints as…
Hot HR Issues – Part 2
The Conference Board of Canada did an interview with Dave Ulrich where he stated “the 21st century will belong to human resources and to organizational capabilities.” ((Thanks to Romain of unknow origin for pointing me to the Conference Board of…
KM and Learning organizations
Gautam turned me onto this blog. So… What IS up with HR and Knowledge Management? I don’t hesitate to wonder about HR’s motivation when it comes to KM. Truly, when we talk about “strategic HR” and the fact that as…
Employee Development and Workforce Planning
Actually, I just like validation, especially when it comes within a week of my posts. This Brittish article hilights some of the salient points I’ve been making over the last couple of weeks regarding workforce planning and knowledge management. More…