Every now and then I think I have a thought that is pure genius. This is not one of them. Instead, every now and then I have a thought that simply entertains me for longer than it should. This is…
Merge, Outsource, Re-merge
Imagine this. You’re fixing your house, and you take down a few walls to reconfigure how the place looks – it’s a bit more open, you can see more, put more people in it when you entertain. While you’re at…
Please Don’t Do It
I have to admit that I spend more time in airports than I would like to admit. This means that I spend some time in airport bathrooms where a very disturbing event happens with unbelievable frequency. I’d say that about…
HRO is not Dead
HRO has seemed dead for at least a couple of years now. A couple years ago it was almost all I was writing about, and there were mega deals to be had every other month. All consultants were talking about…