
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    Hosted point solutions take advantage of weakness in ERP/HRMS market


    There’s some serious movement in the hosted and integrated point solutions arena. Mostly I’m talking about Workstream, Kenexa, RecruitMax and Authoria. All of these solutions are offering portal oriented employee talent solutions. Each of these 4 vendors are also organizations…

  • Workforce Planning – how not to do it


    I was reading an LA Times article about teenagers not being able to get jobs. Seems that employers are attempting to hire more experienced people. Looking at the current demographic situation in the U.S. and probably other places in the…

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    Admonition to all ATS vendors


    OK – I know that talent and talent management are the (not so) new buzzwords in HR. Truthfully, talent is incredibly strategic and requires a great deal of focus and energy. However, ATS vendors these days are calling themselves Talent…

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    Recruitment Process Outsourcing


    I’m not totally sure what the difference is between RPO and hiring a headhunter. Perhaps there is more technology invloved, but a headhunter does many of the same functions. basically we are talking about replacing the recruiting function in your…

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    Questionable truth in marketing


    Not to be a naysayer, but sometimes cool things bug me the wrong way when I’m pretty sure the message is a lie. Today, Skillsoft and Plateau Systems are introducing the “first” integrated LMS and LCMS to be available later…

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    Talent, Outsourcing, and MSS


    Since my last post was on talent, I thought I’d see if I could tie it back into systems somehow. As we continuously look at talent in both retention and acquisition modes, we must realize that we’re not only trying…

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    Talent, skills and the labor market


    Talent: So where is the talent? Deloitte’s talent study basically says that with baby boomers (U.S.) retiring, fewer college graduates with the skills needed in the workforce, talent is simply unavailable. Skills: Check out this innovative general education curriculum at…

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    ADP hiring index for Background Checks


    I’m very curious if ADP’s background check press release that the number of checks has tripled since 1997 is a realistic number. While I’m sure that as talent management has taken over the industry, the number of checks has increased…

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    Workforce Performance Studies and Business Results


    IHRIM and Knowledge Infusion produced a report on workforce performance, HCM, and business results. IHRIM webinar will be on May 19, but here’s a preview: The results of the initial IHRIM and Knowledge Infusion Workforce Performance Survey include: – 96%…

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    Aberdeen’s TM study reviewed


    Aberneen’s article points to several conclusions that talent acquisition is no longer a viable total solution for organizations lacking a total talent strategy. As employers face an aging workforce and possibly a lack of skilled talent in the employable population,…

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    Off-peopleing (Dubs gets preachy)


    I think the point of this guy’s blog is to sell his book (ok – maybe not as you can download it for free), but he makes an interesting point. And no, I haven’t read this yet either, but I’ll…

  • Talent acquisition report from Aberdeen


    Here’s a free 41 page report from Aberdeen. I have not read it yet – but I wanted to post it in case anyone is interested. You have to register (allowing them to contact you). I will delete this post…

  • More on informal recruiting networks


    This will be of special note to Michael Specht as he’s been writing a bit about Jobster lately. In response to his post, I posted a reply regarding a network called Seems as though LinkedIn is attempting to formally…

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    Tough adoption for e-learning


    I must admit that while I’m an avid reader of news and information on the web, e-learning just irritates me. On the web, I want to be able to control the pace of my interactions with the PC and go…

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    The ATS Market


    OK – so I’m writing a lot about ATS vendors lately and I thought I’d do an overview of the market. As usually, this is my opinion of the market, and even some of the “facts and figures” in here…

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    ATS News


    In an “it’s about time” one of the major ATS vendors is finally rolling out a hiring management solution for the lower end market. For all the people who were sick of seeing $250K implementations for BrassRing and Taleo, Taleo…

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    Internets, networks, and recruiting technology


    Funny that Michael from another HR blog should mention Jobster. I’ll feed off of that for this post. This is a great tool for recruiters and should help them tap into the “not looking” or “inactively looking” candidate population. I’m…

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    BrassRing and staffing HRO


    I thought it would be a cool thing to spotlight either vendor services or software functionality every now and then. Generally I won’t look at “the normal stuff” but instead I’ll check out things that I think are new, in…

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    Top 5 HR priorities from Genesys survey


    Take this with a grain of salt as this is a Genesys press release and these “trends” may just be application areas they are strong in. I’ve never paid too much attention to Genesys until recently as I’ve considered…

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    Collaborative Hiring Talenteering from All in all, a great post on how the staffing organization should be integrated to the actual operating arm of an organization. I’m not sure this is so new though. In the last 20 years…