Relationship Management V – Implementation
I was talking with a client this week about the implementation of an outsourced solution to payroll, HRIS and benefits administration that he would soon be going through. He has every intention of engaging third party assistance with the implementation….
Relationship Management IV – Project Management
So you’ve outsourced HRIS, or payroll, or H&W benefits administration, or applicant tracking, or any one of numerous HR functions and now your job is finished, right? Well most of you know the answer to that is no. You still…
Relationship Management III – The Culture of Accommodation
Last week we saw what happens when service providers fail to actively manage client expectations. Client satisfaction suffers, and ultimately the relationship can become at risk.We explored the notion that client expectations are frequently mishandled during the sales cycle, but…
Relationship Management II – Managing Expectations
Last week I wrote, in part, about outsourced service providers’ client satisfaction programs which monitor how satisfied clients are with performance. At any given point in time, there are a number of clients who don’t believe their service providers are…
Relationship Management – Part I
Back in January, Double Dubs posted an article titled Vendor or Client – Who’s Fault Is It? The question is not an academic one, as companies spend a combined fortune greater than the GDP of many countries in search of…
Offshoring Not a Cause of Job Loss
2.4% of U.S. jobs have been lost to outsourcing and offshoring since 2003. That’s the bad news. The good news is that if you trend all job gains and losses due to outsourcing and offshorig (trade) over time, 2.4% is…
PEO vs. HRO again.
I got an e-mail from a reader about PEO v HRO: What is your advice to a company (100-1000) on what TYPE of outsourcing would be best for their company? Basically, PEO VS BPO. Pretty broad but there are all…
Talent Vaccuum – the next generation
Granted I’m playing up to all the sensationaliztic reports on talent and the U.S.’s inability to create an effective educational plan and environment to be competitive globally, I’m posting this commentary on workforce planning anyway. I was reading an article…
Vendor or Client – Who’s Fault Is It?
I was speaking with Donald Glade from Sourcing Analytics the other day and through our discussion I realized I needed to follow-up on my post about “HR Technology Does Not Make Us Strategic.” As I went through my bullets of…
Shrinking Workforce is Good for Technology Revisited
Last week I posted Shrinking Workforce is Good for Technology and got a couple interesting comments. I thought this interesting enough to bring back to the foreground. First off, the post was really not about the HR effects of the…
ADP Benefit TCO study
ADP’s benefit TCO study presented some very interesting numbers as well as a few questions: First, I’m not at all surprised that outsourced benefit administration is less costly from a TCO (total cost of ownership) measure than in-house benefit admin….
Tax Credit Screening (and a few $100K)
A few days ago, I got an e-mail from someone requesting my thoughts on Projectix. The e-mail said, “I would say it [is a] TMS program. Wouldn’t you?” A few e-mail exchanges later, I basically said that it was not…
HR/PR Outsourcers – New Rankings
A reader recently wrote to me requesting my thoughts on payroll outsourcers and their HR products. This was written for a 500 employee organization. I’m posting because I don’t think I’ve ever ranked payroll outsourcers. Here are my verbatim comments…
The HR Marketplace – Overview
I wanted to comment on some interesting research from HRMarketer.com. They put out the “Marketing and Selling in the HR Marketplace: Winning Strategies and Tactics” paper this month which contains great insight. First a note on the marketplace:The top 0.1%…
HR.com seems to have shown their considerable lack of understanding regarding HRO. While they are actually a very good source of information, I see them as similar to SHRM. Both of these organizations cater to mid-sized organizations and are rather…
Outsourcing vs. Data Privacy
I stumbled across this article on data privacy and what problems outsourcers are having. My general opinion is that even with the heightened awareness we have in the U.S. about data privacy and identity theft, HR organizations have not really…
Co-sourcing vs. Outsourcing
Mercer published this definition and contrast of Co-sourcing versus Outsourcing on their website. I must beg to differ. While in general they are correct, the term co-sourcing has been around for a long time – probably originally coined by Mercer….
Paychex vs. ADP
For the vast majority of employers, Paychex is a viable option. If you have followed my blog with interest, and find the players I generally talk about to be potential vendors for your company, then you are probably a larger…
McKinsey on Global Outsourcing
It ain’t so bad as we think. McKinsey Global put out a new study basically stating that the ability of organizations to outsource is slower than we think. The core operations that are being outsourced are usually simply done. Most…
ADP’s SAP platform comes to North America
I’ve been hinting that ADP would go to SAP globally for HR/PR. The U.S. and central/south America will be the last ones, but here’s a press release saying Asia, Europe and Canada are on.