
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    Paychex vs. ADP


    For the vast majority of employers, Paychex is a viable option. If you have followed my blog with interest, and find the players I generally talk about to be potential vendors for your company, then you are probably a larger…

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    Mercer HRO takes off


    Well, I was wrong again. I really thought the Mercer SynHRgy merger was going to be a flop. In fact, I was fully convinced that Mercer would spin the HRO arm off sometime this year. Instead, they have 15 new…

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    McKinsey on Global Outsourcing


    It ain’t so bad as we think. McKinsey Global put out a new study basically stating that the ability of organizations to outsource is slower than we think. The core operations that are being outsourced are usually simply done. Most…

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    ADP’s SAP platform comes to North America


    I’ve been hinting that ADP would go to SAP globally for HR/PR. The U.S. and central/south America will be the last ones, but here’s a press release saying Asia, Europe and Canada are on.

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    Just a couple of HRO news notes


    New press release from EquaTerra who apparently did a new BPO study. Basically it says that the majority of BPO (includes HRO and FAO) clients are satisfied with their process improvements and that the market is expected to grow. No…

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    HRO Rumors


    This is off the street with no substantive documentation. Word is that Hewitt is being shopped by the investment bankers. I’m not sure who can put up the cash, but possibly IBM or HP? If it does happen though, you…

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    HRO update


    This is actually an Indian update on the HRO market, but it has some interesting facts and opinions. First off, I had no idea that Hewitt was creating an outsourcing center there, but it’s not a surprise. I’m sure that…

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    How to make outsourcing work for you


    An article written by a Dave Carlson from Mercer HR notes that “Teaming up with a compatible partner can make a tough job easier .“ (unfortunately you need $200 to get access to the actual article) However, my rebuttal…

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    HR Market Health & Vendor Updates


    This info is now old (May 17), but I always find it interesting to see how vendors are doing. has a quarterly review of some trends. Here are a couple of comments I have: Paychex will always do well….

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    Outsourcing and Strategic HR


    Andrew wrote a nice piece about outsourcers and how they have to change their “look” in order to succeed in the future. To quote him, Business service providers need to be strategic to truly succeed. Indeed, being strategic can often…

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    HR Technology News notes


    I just got done saying how nobody out there in HRO could really implement international payroll in a single platform. There are exceptions out there of course, but I thought ADP was the closest due to their network of in-country…

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    Recruitment Process Outsourcing


    I’m not totally sure what the difference is between RPO and hiring a headhunter. Perhaps there is more technology invloved, but a headhunter does many of the same functions. basically we are talking about replacing the recruiting function in your…

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    HRO and non-cost decision drivers


    First of all, if you have never looked here – check out Cap Gemeni’s library. So Cap Gemeni comes out with a survey that organizations looking to outsource really have other objectives other than cost savings. Obviously these have to…

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    SAP and HRO platforms


    A few weeks ago I stated I thought SAP would end up being the default HRMS platform for HRO/BPO vendors. Looks like they have started the ball rolling. Instead of getting into HRO administration, they are doing what they do…

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    IBM’s inability to capitalize on HRO


    Well, maybe tier inability to capitalize on IT services and BPO in general seem to have tripped up the entire stock market, and especially the U.S. market. IBM has been moving towards services over data center management for some time…

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    HRO executives expect consolidation


    All the major HRO players are saying their sales pipelines are full. The problem is that competition is making the revenues per employee per year drop substantially, and margins are not sufficiently high to sustain the industry. Everyone seems to…

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    BrassRing and staffing HRO


    I thought it would be a cool thing to spotlight either vendor services or software functionality every now and then. Generally I won’t look at “the normal stuff” but instead I’ll check out things that I think are new, in…

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    Single sourcing HRO?


    What’s up with HRO vendors revisited. As sort of a follow-up to my last post on HR Consultancies, here’s an interesting article about HRO and the wisdom of single sourcing your entire HR relationship to one vendor. I’m not actually…

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    Implementation glitches and huge clients


    Apparently Fidelity’s benefit administration services division screwed up 22,000 GM employees and retirees who no longer have benefits (temporarily). Now, I don’t usually comment on benefits administration, but as this is part of Fidelity’s larger HRO offering, I will. I…

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    HRO prices going down for small business


    This Inc. article is a nice review of costs of HRO for smaller businesses. Although I really don’t focus on small business, it’s difficult to provide economies of scale to them when your costs are generally based on a per…