
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology

Industry News

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    HR Market Health & Vendor Updates


    This info is now old (May 17), but I always find it interesting to see how vendors are doing. has a quarterly review of some trends. Here are a couple of comments I have: Paychex will always do well….

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    HR Technology News notes


    I just got done saying how nobody out there in HRO could really implement international payroll in a single platform. There are exceptions out there of course, but I thought ADP was the closest due to their network of in-country…

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    Dave Duffield’s next move


    Dave got his Chairman’s award at the IHRIM conference on Monday. Here’s the link for his next start-up. Not much content there yet.

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    HRO executives expect consolidation


    All the major HRO players are saying their sales pipelines are full. The problem is that competition is making the revenues per employee per year drop substantially, and margins are not sufficiently high to sustain the industry. Everyone seems to…

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    The ATS Market


    OK – so I’m writing a lot about ATS vendors lately and I thought I’d do an overview of the market. As usually, this is my opinion of the market, and even some of the “facts and figures” in here…

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    ATS News


    In an “it’s about time” one of the major ATS vendors is finally rolling out a hiring management solution for the lower end market. For all the people who were sick of seeing $250K implementations for BrassRing and Taleo, Taleo…

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    Good bad and sad vendor news


    In an interesting vendor day, there’s good news, bad news and depressing news. First the good news. Oracle has released patches and fixes for the PeopleSoft products. Many organizations have been worried about the support Oracle would be offering, but…

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    Watson Wyatt weighs in on Bush’s Social Security plan


    In an unexpectedly objective move for an actuarial service, Watson Wyatt released oppositionary opinions on W’s private accounts for Socual Security, one for and one against. Unexpected for me because I figured actuaries would weigh in on my side of…

  • IBM wants recurring revenue


    Interesting comment at the bottom of the IBM/Corio news release: IBM has closed a $182 million deal to buy Corio, which delivers software online, and plans to pick up the pace of acquisitions to fuel growth in its mainstay…

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    What’s up with HRO vendors?


    The human resource outsourcing industry may be the fastest growth segment of BPO. However, the US HRO (HR BPO) market is in complete dissaray. Nobody has the entire service offering put together in a package that provides functionality and service…