
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    eRecruitment Market Trends


    Thank you Gartner!!!! One of my pet peeves over the last year has been ATS systems calling themselves talent management applications. Anyone reading my posts knows this bugs me to no end. Gartner’s eRecruitment white paper clearly states a difference…

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    Talent Management searches are up


    This is actually a very poor polling technique, but it does at least show that companies are thinking about talent management. Unfortunately, I have no idea what people mean when they say talent management. To me, TM is a complete…

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    Generation gap and learning


    I was sitting at my brother and sister-in-law’s house last night and the conversation turned to their teenage son. He was sitting in front of the computer playing some shoot and kill video game with some friends on-line. Remembering the…

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    The candidate experience


    You know – sometimes I talk so much about the technology of how things work, that I feel like I’m giving the wrong imprssion of what’s actually important. Andrew makes a nice point regarding the candidate experience here. Granted my…

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    The technology of “Offboarding”


    Yup – so we’re all familiar with onboarding now. (if not, scroll down and read a bit). Terminating employees has never gotten too much press aside from COBRA, HIPAA, getting your property back and exit interviews. However, just as there…

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    Onboarding Part 3: Vendors


    I’ll be honest, I totally forgot I was supposed to write a part 3. Thanks to an anonymous commenter to remind me. I’m not going to do a complete review at this time, but simply highlight a few vendors that…

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    HRMS vs. Point Solutions… again


    I’ve written a few times that the day of the huge enterprise HRMS solution is over. PeopleSoft, SAP… they just don’t provide niche solutions that are as good as point solutions. So the recruiting tools in PS or SAP for…

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    The tie in: Onboarding and Commitment


    Vertitude put out this article that addresses some of my previous posts. It’s interesting to me how many people think that onboarding starts with day 1. Without some enphasis immediately after offer acceptance, you miss major opportunities to influence and…

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    Onboarding Part 2: Integration


    Let’s start this one off with a picture. Let me first say that time also increases from left to right. So your first step would be recruiting and all the functions in the ATS system on the left. After that,…

  • Onboarding Part 1: Definition


    OK – So I’ve decided that it’s time for a new topic other than employee engagement. Since Andrew has so kindly thought one up for me, I figure we’ll do something around on-boarding. In the next few days, I’ll be…

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    Recruiting to Onboarding


    Andrew has a very nice write-up on measuring the recruitment experience through the entire recruiting experience and then the first year of employment. One of the other new buzwords besides “talent” is “onboarding.” Onboarding is not only the new hire…

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    Talent Management Scorecard updated


    Here’s my original post. I have updated Authoria and included Softscape. So an integrated point solution in the talent space should/may include (1) talent acquisition, (2) new hire onboarding, (3) performance management, (4) compensation management, (5) learning management, (6) succession…

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    Authoria buying


    Wow wow wow… This is huge for point solutions. Authoria is buying, meaning they will be that much closer to being a full service talent management suite. Check out my old scorecard of talent management solutions here. All Authoria…

  • Workforce Planning again – The Definition


    I read Regina’s post and immediately became judgemental regarding the person she linked to. I really should have read Brossard’s entire interview prior to jumping to conclusions, but as Regina wrote specifically about Brossard’s step 3, I decided to keep…

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    Talent optimization and engagement


    Somehow, I’ve gotten myself into a bind by promising a write-up on what I perceive to be the linkage between employee acquisition, retention, satisfaction, and engagement. I’ve mentioned it here and here, but have not really had the time to…

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    Really cool job board integration


    A recent interview with WebHire CEO Susanne Bowen piqued my interest when they started talking about integration. Most of the time we’re talking about basic interfaces from a job board back to the ATS. However, WebHire and have…

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    Candidate sourcing and the tech advantage


    A recent survey focused on how different types of candidate sourcing lead to improved candidate quality and cost effectiveness. I only want to talk about the quality piece here as you can go to for the survey if…

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    Employee Development and Workforce Planning


    Actually, I just like validation, especially when it comes within a week of my posts. This Brittish article hilights some of the salient points I’ve been making over the last couple of weeks regarding workforce planning and knowledge management. More…

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    Workforce planning and best practices


    All this talk about talent management. Basically, to dig through the confusion, break it up into 2 components: Talent Acquisition, and Talent Retention. Obviously you can break these 2 areas up to many other sub-functions. Today, I’m talking about workforce…

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    Management capabilities and catalysts for business innovation


    This article found on the Harvard Business School website really addresses the capabilities of management and their ability to apply real change to the organization. As competition intensifies, organizations must look at strategic partnerships to ensure they have the capabilities…