David Zinger 3 Words Follow-up
3 Words Follow-up to yesterday’s post written by David Zinger. I am so pleased you took so much away from 3 little words. It makes me feel stronger than the 3 little pigs and I know some wolf can blow…
Branding and the 3-word Theme
I was checking out David Zinger’s twitter page and noticed his 2009 3-word theme. They are “Authentic, Connections, Engage.” A part of me wants a 5 page manifesto on his choice of these words and why they are important to…
Survey Design 101 – Part 2: Which questions should I keep or drop?
Guest Author: Stephen B. Jeong, Ph.D. In Part 1 of Survey Design 101, we discussed two broad topics related to survey design – choosing the right topics and creating quality questions. Survey design (or questionnaire development), however, is not complete…
Implementation and the “Personal Win”
We always end up talking about employee adoption whenever we are implementing anything whether it’s technology, process or anything else. When we talk about adoption, we’re really talking change management, and in that we are talking about changing both behaviors…
Engagement Overkill?
No pun intended. But I’m troubled and I don’t get it. This morning the acting CFO over at Freddie Mac committed suicide. He was brought in after the bailout, so theoretically he should not have a ton of direct responsibility…
Symphony: Scope of Sight
From where the conductor stands, she sees and hears everything. This is the perfect place from which to direct and convey small changes in vision. The conductor is perfectly situated so that everyone can see her, and she can alternatively…
Symphony: Individual Performers
04-15 In a symphony, there are no individual performers. There can’t be. The whole point of a symphony is individual elements coming together to form a single cohesive vision of piece of music. Violins all coordinate to execute in perfect…
Symphony: A Light Touch
One of the secrets of good conducting is to have a light touch. What actually happens is when a conductor tries to force movements or over-emphasize and overpower the music, the symphony as a whole will generally rebel and do…
Symphony: Trust Your Section Leads
It’s pretty amazing when you watch a symphony or orchestra work. You see the conductor doing her thing front and center. You see violins sitting together in perfect coordination, and all the other instruments doing the same. What is actually…
Up through the Beijing Olympics, I’d been reading stories almost on a daily basis about how China was trying to present a public image of itself that was not necessarily the truth. Limited access for journalists (to protect the athletes?): …
The Realities of Integrated UI
Anu posted this image of simplicity for user interface designs. While it’s a bit of a caricature on how Apple and Google have designed their UI’s, it’s really quite accurate at a basic level. Everything you need to do is…
Microsoft’s Attempt at GenY
Hey, Genius. We want you. We know you’re genius in some way or another. Whether you’re code crazy, binary brilliant or master of origami dollhouses, it’s all good by us. So if you’re feeling genius at the moment, or just…
Complex Problem Solving and Change Management
Serious hat tip to Rob Millard Rob wrote about this over 2 years ago, but the picture still exists and I stumbled upon it months ago, and then had a second look a couple weeks ago. Rob pointed me to…
There is a single offboarding experience that sticks out in my mind as one of the most positive work experiences I’ve ever had. While these days we have technology and alumni networks to help us out, successful offboarding is more…
10 Job Fair Tips That Really Work (For the Recruiter)
The following was contributed to the site: Whether you are looking for interns or executives, attending a job fair can be a very effective strategy for recruiters. With the advent of Web 2.0, many hiring managers are increasingly dependent on…
What Integration Means
From an applications technology point of view, we’ve all known that integration simply means connecting data from one software component to another. Often we’ve used integration to mean that functional modules within a single suite (such as ERP – Oracle…
The CEO and Company Culture
The other systematic asks: In a recent interview with one of our analysts, a Fortune 500 company’s HR director said (not verbatim) “It’s not HR’s job to define our culture. It’s the CEO’s job. It’s our job to communicate that…
“Talent” as Marketing?
Seth Godin’s recent post on Talent and marketing HR hit home on may fronts. What if you started acting like the VP of Talent? Understanding that talent is hard to find and not obvious to manage. The VP of Talent…
Why Technology Projects Fail 2
Your technology project is completed. Your go live date is imminent. You have committed serious time and effort to changing your processes, and making sure they get implemented in your new technology appropriately. Your delivery method is changing and people…
The Hype Around Facebook and HR
I mean really, what’s the big deal? This is yet another social networking tool that has invaded our work spaces. First it was personal access to e-mails during work hours. Then it was dating sites. (I once worked with an…