
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology

Web 2.0

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    Wiki as Knoweldge Management


    We all have them in our organizations.  These wonderful islands of preserved knowledge: databases of content that have been donated over time for consumption by the broader corporate population.  Once the dreams and hopes of management types that have dwindled…

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    Where People Fit in the Toyota Way


    A while back I wrote a series on the Toyota Way.  Toyota is unquestionably one of the top manufacturing companies in the world producing high quality products at a very low cost.  At the center of this is the Toyota…

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    Will the Real Oracle Fusion Middleware Please Stand Up?


    It’s not mystery that Oracle’s Fusion Middleware product was really only a half baked cobbling of old products when it was released a couple years ago.  Much like Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” sign, Oracle proclaimed “Half Way to Fusion!”  We all…

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    Better Recruiting Through Social Networks?


    Jobvite released their new survey on the utilization of social networks for recruiting.  Most of this is not a surprise as recruiting seems to be the early adopter for some new HR technologies well ahead of everyone else.  Remember recruiting…

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    Revisioning the Application


    We were all so excited when the first Microsoft Office products came out.  Not that other products were comparatively that bad, but there seemed to be a new vision of usability in the buttons and layout of the product.  As…

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    Recession Technology


    With the U.S. and probably global economy slowing down, we’d all expect technology spending to slow down with it.  After all, in 2001 when the “bubble burst,” it took a few years (I’d guess 2004) for the IT money to…

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    A Thumbs Up for Video Resumes


    The following was written by Colleen Aylward, Founder of as a rebuttal to my unapologetically negative rant on video resumes.  Every opinion has a counter and deserves to be heard.  Therefore, read the pro’s on video resumes below and…

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    The Hype Around Facebook and HR


    I mean really, what’s the big deal?  This is yet another social networking tool that has invaded our work spaces.  First it was personal access to e-mails during work hours.  Then it was dating sites.  (I once worked with an…

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    Is the Online HR Conference the Future?


    Bill Kutik, the organizer of the HR Technology Conference, recently wrote about VIEW, an HR virtual online conference and trade show that debuted on Dec. 12 and 13. Registration was easy, though too nosy about my buying intentions. Creating my…

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    The Times They Are A-Changing


    Or are they?  Bob Dylan aside, it would seem that the past year has brought Web 2.0 to the HR desktop quickly and effectively.  The problem is that this Web 2.0 seems to exist primarily in the best of breed…

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    Give Me A “Sexy” UI Any Day


    Jason and I might have to disagree on this one. Can we please stop saying “…and the user interface is sexy”!  User interfaces should not be “sexy” nor are they!  User interfaces should be clean and simple, presenting only the…

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    Evil HR on Social Networking


    Evil HR being the well know Evil HR Lady of course.  She and I share something in common – we work for prominent organizations, write a blog, and are anonymous about it.  When it comes to social networking and the…

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    SystematicHR’s Thoughts for 2008


    I suppose that I do need to put together a list of things I’m especially interested in this year. Many of these are already trends. Some of these will never be, but are things perhaps only I am interested in….

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    Web 2.0: Ajax versus Adobe Flex


    As we get more Web 2.0 applications in the HR arena, perhaps it deserves a short explanation of what some of the competing technologies are.  When we’ve talked about Web 2.0, (again, defining it as the delivery of a rich…

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    SuccessFactors ULTRA


    Out comes a new release of SuccessFactors popular talent management system.  My general opinion is that the leading talent management systems are all playing on a fairly level playing field.  They are all pretty well integrated, they all have good…

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    Outsourcing 2.0


    Hopping on the 2.0 bandwagon, the Outsourcing Institute put out their Outsourcing 2.0 whitepaper, much to my entertainment. How do we know when we’ve reached an Outsourcing 2.0 environment? Web 2.0 capabilities will have brought an entirely new mindset to…

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    Defining Web 3.0


    Anyone who had read this site for a while knows that I love nothing more than criticizing my fellow bloggers.  While I have the utmost respect for many of them, when someone goes a bit too far out on a…

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    Anonymous Public Peer Reviews


    In what I think is a rather unusual twist to the performance and peer review process, the Canadian website is a community of users that seems to focus on the peer review. There are several problems with this that…

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    Social Media Best Practice #3


    As part of the other systematic’s (Systematic Viewpoints” series on social media: Best practice #3: Collaboration requires a balance of freedom and governance to thrive. ((Systematic Viewpoints, September 11, 2007. “Social media in the enterprise – best practice #3.”)) In…

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    Social Media Best Practice #2


    Best Practice #2: Show direct business value by aligning social computing to real-world work. ((Systematic Viewpoints, September 11, 2007. “Social media in the enterprise – best practice #2.”)) The other systematic (TOS) continues by saying: If you’re thinking of deploying…