HR Metrics: Dismissal rate
So the organization or parts of it are dismissing too many people. You think to yourself, “why is my recruiting so bad that I get crap people?” I suppose that is one diagnosis to the problem, and from the manager…
HR Metrics: Resignation rate
I would have to think that resignation rates are pretty low right now. When companies are laying off employees and security and new jobs are hard to come by, employees are thinking much harder before leaving their employer. Usually we…
The Singularity
What is “the singularity?” It’s basically the Terminator movie in practice. The singularity predicts that there is a point where computers become so intelligent that they are able to self replicate, they are able to generate knowledge at a supremely…
Cycling Concepts and HR: Time Trials
In cycling, the time trial is also known as the race of truth. It is the only time in cycling (triathlons excluded as that’s not real cycling…) where you are not allowed to draft or engage in team tactics. In…
Enterprise 2.0 Diagram
I ran across this quite interesting and comprehensive e2.0 diagram and thought I’d share. I like how it’s organized with Actors, Technologies and Methods as part of the engine behind e2.0, but as usual I have a few comments. I…
Diagramming Web 2.0 versus Enterprise 2.0
I like pictures. CIPD published a paper that was honestly quite annoying, but contained a couple of little gems. I was annoyed because the paper was entitled Web 2.0 and HR, but it never got past defining what Web 2.0…
Wiki as Knoweldge Management
We all have them in our organizations. These wonderful islands of preserved knowledge: databases of content that have been donated over time for consumption by the broader corporate population. Once the dreams and hopes of management types that have dwindled…
The Value Proposition in a Multi-Dimensional Workforce
Karen Beaman states that the workforce is changing: Multi-Generational – we are are now seeing up to four generations of workers working simultaneously in the workplace — Veterans, Boomers, X’ers, and New Mils — each with differing world views, work/life…
What HP’s Acquisition of EDS HRO Means
I haven’t written about HRO for a very long time. Part of it could be just my simple disillusionment of the space. The outsourcing of payroll and benefit transactions make total sense to me as they are complete commodities. If…
Is The Cornerstone of HR Job or Performance?
HR is certainly changing. The trend over the last few years is that we are organizations focused on the strategic (over the administrative). This has manifested itself in numerous redesigns of the HR function for shared services, HRO/BPO, and the…
Will Millennials Be Able to Manage?
HBS had a question posted asking how well millennials would manage. The core of the discussion follows: In short, they are high maintenance, high risk, and often high output employees… There seems to a fixation these days on millennials as…
Outsourcing 2.0
Hopping on the 2.0 bandwagon, the Outsourcing Institute put out their Outsourcing 2.0 whitepaper, much to my entertainment. How do we know when we’ve reached an Outsourcing 2.0 environment? Web 2.0 capabilities will have brought an entirely new mindset to…
Gen X: The Bridge to Gen Y
There’s much speculation and conversation these days about Gen Y (or the millennial generation). Who understands them, how do they work, what makes them tick, and how do managers manage them? Much of the conversation is centered around the basic…
Collaboration is Innovation
When it comes to innovation, the myth of the lone genius dies hard. Most companies continue to assume that innovation comes from that individual genius, or, at best, small, sequestered teams that vanish from sight and then return with big…
McKinsey on SaaS
“Several factors are spurring the growth. New software design and delivery models allow many more instances of an application to run at once in a common environment, so providers can now share one application cost effectively across hundreds of companies—a…
Closing the Floodgates: Retaining Senior Talent When the CEO Leaves
We’ve all seen it. A CEO leaves the organization and takes half of the senior management with him/her to their next gig. Then the new CEO comes in and brings in his/her team, and lets go of the rest of…
The Truth Behind Asia’s Talent Markets
You’ll never hear me contesting the idea that Asian talent markets are ripe to be the major force in the world economy. After all, when you have half the world’s population, it’s just logical to think you should eventually command…
Choosing the Right Talent Strategy to Drive Profits
So how much does it cost to drive up revenues by 1%? There are many possibilities including: Cost of acquiring new talent versis: Cost of developing new talent Cost of rewards versus: Cost of 1% increase in engagement So which…
Helicopter Parenting and Management Styles
Much conversation has been made about Generation Y Milennials and their desire and ability to enter the workforce with a bang. We’ve been trying to figure out how to channel their energy in the right direction as they seem to…
HBR: GenX versus Baby Boomers
We keep talking about Gen Y Milennials. They are after all the next unknown generation of workers, and they are “different.” However, we can’t ignore the Gen X’ers either. As the boomer retire, the Gen X population will be the…