
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    ACS for sale – $8B


    Ok – I’m trying to not post at the end of the year, but this is news worth posting. A consortium of investment firms is in talks to acquire Affiliated Computer Services, a technology outsourcing company with clients that include…

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    Accenture’s place in HRO


    Jason of the Human Capitalist posted some analysis of Accenture’s seeming decline in the HRO world. While we differ slightly in our HRO rankings, I think we’ll see some interesting developments as Accenture begins to play in the mid market…

  • Business Case for RPO


    (where RPO = Recruitment Process Outsourcing) Jeff Hunter of the blog has a very interesting post on the causes of RPO. His experience is the same as mine… internal recruiting organizations with highly positive feedback are getting outsourced more…

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    HRO Updates


    A couple of news items crossed my path that I thought were interesting. First, Arinso recently got certified in their SAS 70 Type 2. I’d like to just say that if you’re a public company in the U.S. going for…

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    Is ADP HRO #2 in the industry?


    A recent ADP press release had a few interesting new facts. Apparently, 32 multi-national corporations have signed on for ADP’s HRO platform based on SAP. This is far more than I thought it would be, and in addition to ADP’s…

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    Follow-up on HRO providers


    In my post for Fidelity HRO, I listed my top 5 HRO vendors. A consulting colleague (of unknown firm) who works closely in the HRO space e-mailed me this follow-up: interesting view of the top 5 hro providers. i play…

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    Fidelity HRO comments


    Edited on 11/03/2005: This evening, I received an e-mail from Workforce Magazine requesting that I remove some text of the Fidelity HRO article from my post. In my attempt to be a “good citizen” the text has been removed, but…

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    Hewitt for sale?


    Somewhere in my last 100 posts I mentioned that Hewitt was in a fairly weak operational position and might be an aquisition target. I’ll have to admit that I didn’t really believe it, and honestly I still don’t. They are…

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    HRO or PEO?

    . seems to have shown their considerable lack of understanding regarding HRO. While they are actually a very good source of information, I see them as similar to SHRM. Both of these organizations cater to mid-sized organizations and are rather…

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    2005 HRO Trends and Insights


    Disclaimer: yeah… Hewitt could be considered a competitor of the firm I work for. If you read the rest of my blog, I generally consider them to be a vendor though. Hewitt’s 2005 HRO trends and Insights published in June…

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    Leaves Administration and Absence Management


    I was reading the July/August copy of newsbriefs from ISCEBS and noticed a survey on absence management. The results stated (could not find a web link to this) that only 12% of companies track the cost of absenteeism and an…

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    Hewitt BPO leads the industry?


    While Hewitt clearly has the biggest name and the most large clients right now, I’m not so sure if they are the clear leaders as this Hewitt press release indicates. Let’s face it, Hewitt doesn’t seem to be making a…

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    Arinso Service Center diagram


    Arinso has a very nice whitepaper on service centers. They segregate the strategy and the service center organizations in a very nice visual. I just thought this was a very shareable pictoral. Here it is…

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    IBM HR Transformation for HRO


    I have written about this before, but IBM has put out a nice white paper on how an organization should prepare for HRO and how to set pre/post implementation expectations. This is certainly not new news, but it’s possibly…

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    Convergys expands BPO offering beyond HRO


    No, I haven’t died, quit, or just gone away. I’ve been in the middle of parallel tests for a client and that has been an all consuming task. This also means that I haven’t been doing the normal market research…

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    HR Service Delivery, Call Centers, and Outsourcing


    So how does an organization actually improve HR service delivery? What is HR Service Delivery? Quite simply it’s the ability and effectiveness with which an employer delivers key services and information to employees, managers, and executives. For an employee, if…

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    Outsourcing vs. Data Privacy


    I stumbled across this article on data privacy and what problems outsourcers are having. My general opinion is that even with the heightened awareness we have in the U.S. about data privacy and identity theft, HR organizations have not really…

  • Indian HRM Quiz and other offshoring topics


    Mercer HR had this quiz. What do you know about Indian HRM? (4 questions only) Since we (U.S.) are so concerned (wrongly so) about the Indians and Chinese taking jobs away, perhaps we should know more about the these economies……

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    Co-sourcing vs. Outsourcing


    Mercer published this definition and contrast of Co-sourcing versus Outsourcing on their website. I must beg to differ. While in general they are correct, the term co-sourcing has been around for a long time – probably originally coined by Mercer….

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    HRO News


    Here’s the link, but I’ve pasted some of the text below if you don’t have a log-in: There is a lot of proof out there that HRO and BPO are still going strong. Recent studies by The Everest Group, Workforce…