It’s Time For the CedarCrestone HR Technology Survey
It’s that time of year again. The IHRIM conference is going on this week (no I’m not there), and the CedarCrestone HR Technology Survey is in full swing. I publicize this particular survey every year for a couple of reasons….
Change Management, Collaboration, Communications, Governance, HR Strategy, HR Strategy and Technology
Thinking Like A Leader
On my recent Taiwan trip with my family, one of my uncles tagged along for much of the tour. I really like this uncle as he is often quite interesting to talk to, and is an extremely smart guy. He’s…
SaaS Is Here: Get Over It IT!
There was a long time ago I could pretty much build my bike from scratch. Yeah, I could assemble everything, that’s easy. Putting on gears, lacing up spokes onto wheels, getting the brakes on. I even used to pick out…
Still Grappling With Data Security
Today I was going through airport security with my wife. I got randomly selected for a screening, which consisted of wiping my hands with a cottonish fabric and sending it through the scanner that detects explosives or something like that. …
Communications, Engagement, Governance, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Strategy and Technology, Service Delivery
Global or Regional: HR Service Delivery Should Always Be Perfect
I’ll admit it. I fly United. I also know that everyone hates them, but I actually don’t. In fact, I’d fly United over any other carrier in the US (which does happen quite often). Ok, so sometimes extreme status helps…
Is Big Data An HR Directive?
I have an argument with my wife every few years. I tend to like cars with a bit more horsepower. I mean, that 1 time a year when there is a really stupid driver about to crash into you, a…
Is Cloud The Way To Go?
So I had to upgrade my cell phone contract. I used to be on this thing where I had a bucket of minutes and text messages to use, and now I’m on exactly the opposite. I have unlimited phone and…
How To Give All The Wrong Answers
As per my last post,at the end of 2012, I was doing a family vacation in Taiwan. Being with family for 2 weeks is quite an expose into mannerisms that each of us have. I was particularly intrigued by my…
How To Ask All The Wrong Questions
At the end of 2012, I was doing a family vacation in Taiwan. When I say family vacation, I mean not just my wife and me, but my brother’s family along with my parents, visiting all of the senior members…
Branding, Change Management, Communications, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Technology, Implementation, Portal, Service Delivery
Dysfunctional Self Service
So I’ve been away for a year and I’ve let this website go a little bit. (I just started back up in September) I mean, if you click on any number of links, you’ll find error pages, pages that don’t…
Systems Deployment for the 99%
Believe it or not, when it comes to personal technology, I’m not in the 1%. Come to think of it, I’m pretty darn sure I’m not in any 1%, but that’s not quite the point. I finally got a new…
Analytics and Big Data, Collaboration, Communications, Data & Metrics, Engagement, Enterprise Solutions, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Technology
I Don’t Want No Stinkin’ Analytics!
I’m a nerd. I get on my bike or I go for a run, and I’ve got my Garmin GPS running the whole time telling me how far I went, how fast I went, what my heart rate was, (ok…
All Posts, Engagement, Governance, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Technology, Vendor Mgmt, Vendors
Cedar Crestone HR Technology Survey: Create a Winning HR Function
All too often, I get an industry report to read and end up saying to my colleagues, “wow this is crap.” Case in point, at the end of 2012, I got a widely read industry report that rated a halfway…
Engagement, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Strategy and Technology, HR Technology, Innovation, Service Delivery
Strategy without Technology is Stupid
As of about 2003, I don’t think I could live my life without my devices. Back then it was the blackberry and laptop. Now it’s my Android phone, iPad and laptop. If I lose my phone, I’m basically dead in…
Change Management, Collaboration, Communications, Engagement, Functional, HR Service Delivery, HR Strategy, HR Technology, Service Delivery, Web 2.0
I Can Finally Buy My Dad a Smart Phone
Just a couple years ago, my parents came back to the US after years of being overseas missionaries. They have been in Siberia, on a random island in the Pacific, etc… and they came back to a world where cell…