Service Delivery
Quantifying the Customer Experience
Hewitt has a lovely article in their Hewitt Magazine Online entitled “The Science of Customer Experience.” ((Volume 9 Issue 2. Retrieved from on December 18, 2006.)) While I’m really going to stick by my guns in the proclamation that…
The Most Critical Jobs
Why is it that the jobs that are really important are always the ones that are overlooked? Either they are overlooked, pushed aside, or when times get tough, are the first to go. I’ve been meaning to write about this…
Employee Self Service – Lessons From Web Design
Information Architects put out a list of their top 50 websites and what factors made them successful. I particularly like IA’s tagline of “Interface Design is Brand Design.” As you think about your self service sites, understanding that driving adoption…
Employee Self Service – Lessons From eCommerce
HR service delivery usually encompasses a combination of on-site representation (face to face) and call centers for phone communications. However, more and more our self service sites are also playing a role in the service delivery mix. When we’re talking…
Does Recruiting Software Make HR More Effective?
Alana Post recently wrote some biting criticism of HR technology, most specifically recruiting software. ((Since the post has been removed, I won’t go into specifics other than to say that her post was extremely interesting to me and I’ll try…
A Primer on HR Transformation
I ran across what may be the nicest summary of HR transformation I’ve seen in quite some time. Deloitte describes the history and future of (global) HR transformation as follows: The First Generation of global HR Transformation began to take…
HRO: Profits, or Business Model?
Jason asks if we can just get past the HRO profit (loss) thing. I think he’s right. What’s important in the equation is not if the HRO’s are making money or not (and chances are that none of them are),…
Hewitt’s Lessons Learned
From time to time companies exhibit moments of organizational maturity not often enough seen in the market. This week’s moment comes to us courtesy of Hewitt Associates’ Mike Wright, global HRO sales co-leader, during his presentation last month at the…
100% Claims Audits Revisited
Nearly one year ago, Double Dubs graciously asked me to be a regular contributor on this most amazing blog of his. I think all of us can agree that what he has built here is impressive. He has created a…
TCO in the Context of Risk
Many regular readers of SystematicHR know that I conducted a Total Cost of Ownership study to determine the cost of benefits administration. The results were released last December. Double Dubs commented on it here, and it is how I originally…
Relationship Management – Measuring Satisfaction
How do you know when an outsourcing initiative has been successful? At what point can you sit back, look at all that has been done and actually congratulate yourselves on a successful implementation, transition and effective and stable ongoing processing…
So You’ve Been Retained: Part 1
Who are you? With the recent glut of HRO and other outsourcing deals, it’s obvious that some employees are going to be invited to stick around, and others will be given the pink slip. With over 100 HRO deals out…
How Much Can Outsourcing Really Save?
I set this article aside some time ago with the intention of commenting on it at some point. Now is as good a time as any. The story, “Survey: Outsourcing saves less than claimed” is based on a survey conducted…
Relationship Management IV – Project Management
So you’ve outsourced HRIS, or payroll, or H&W benefits administration, or applicant tracking, or any one of numerous HR functions and now your job is finished, right? Well most of you know the answer to that is no. You still…
Relationship Management III – The Culture of Accommodation
Last week we saw what happens when service providers fail to actively manage client expectations. Client satisfaction suffers, and ultimately the relationship can become at risk.We explored the notion that client expectations are frequently mishandled during the sales cycle, but…
Relationship Management II – Managing Expectations
Last week I wrote, in part, about outsourced service providers’ client satisfaction programs which monitor how satisfied clients are with performance. At any given point in time, there are a number of clients who don’t believe their service providers are…
Relationship Management – Part I
Back in January, Double Dubs posted an article titled Vendor or Client – Who’s Fault Is It? The question is not an academic one, as companies spend a combined fortune greater than the GDP of many countries in search of…
More on Portals
Blogger over at Systematic Viewpoints has been writing about PeopleSoft portals and his implementation experiences lately. Of particular interest is his/er organization’s struggle with the HR portal versus the enterprise portal. If you’re on common platforms (PS, SAP, PT) then…
Arinso Service Center diagram
Arinso has a very nice whitepaper on service centers. They segregate the strategy and the service center organizations in a very nice visual. I just thought this was a very shareable pictoral. Here it is…
IBM HR Transformation for HRO
I have written about this before, but IBM has put out a nice white paper on how an organization should prepare for HRO and how to set pre/post implementation expectations. This is certainly not new news, but it’s possibly…