
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology

HR Technology

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    Good bad and sad vendor news


    In an interesting vendor day, there’s good news, bad news and depressing news. First the good news. Oracle has released patches and fixes for the PeopleSoft products. Many organizations have been worried about the support Oracle would be offering, but…

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    Internets, networks, and recruiting technology


    Funny that Michael from another HR blog should mention Jobster. I’ll feed off of that for this post. This is a great tool for recruiters and should help them tap into the “not looking” or “inactively looking” candidate population. I’m…

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    BrassRing and staffing HRO


    I thought it would be a cool thing to spotlight either vendor services or software functionality every now and then. Generally I won’t look at “the normal stuff” but instead I’ll check out things that I think are new, in…

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    Outsourcing employment verifications with Talx


    Every time I go visit clients to think about new HRMS systems, one of the topics that comes up most often (functionally) is how software can automate all the requests from mortgage companies for employment and salary verifications. Now, there’s…

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    Plumtree portals and ROI


    Plumtree has just made it much easier to substantiate the ROI on your portal investment. Of course, your organization has to be using the Plumtree portal, but this is one of the best out there anyway. Portals generally allow you…

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    HR Budget Funding


    Surprise surprise!! This article begins by stating that HR is often the last department to get funding for technology and process automation. However, this historical trend seems to be changing as HR becomes more strategic. The article does not really…

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    Oracle and PeopleSoft


    Looks like Oracle’s aquisition strategy is generally working out. While Oracle’s net profits are down due to increased short term expense, it looks like they will be hanging onto the majority of the PeopleSoft clients. a very low percentage of…

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    IM as part of your technology strategy

    . pushed out a very interesting article about IM and how it can reshape communications in your organization. “The promise of IM is compelling: real-time, text-based communication that cuts through the usual social niceties of face-to-face conversation, phone calls, and…

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    Does Kronos own Kronos HR?


    I’m posting this because I’m fairly ticked off about a “conversation” I had with someone on another bulletin board. During this conversation (with many other people) I expressed some opinions about HR software and particular vendors. I also stated that…

  • Current Reading for HR portals


    Here’s a newish Deloitte whitepaper on HR portals. This is a short but sweet write-up on some important aspects to consider when selecting a portal technology. Keep in mind there’s a sales pitch in there for DT consulting services.

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    Single sourcing HRO?


    What’s up with HRO vendors revisited. As sort of a follow-up to my last post on HR Consultancies, here’s an interesting article about HRO and the wisdom of single sourcing your entire HR relationship to one vendor. I’m not actually…

  • Mercer is still the biggest, but are they the best?


    Yesterday’s Business Insurance Magazine survey on biggest HR and Benefit Consultancies named Mercer as both the largest worldwide and U.S HR consultancy. Among tier 1 HR consultancies (I’d say that’s Mercer, Towers Perrin, Watson Wyatt, Delloitte HR, Accenture, and Hewitt),…

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    Implementation glitches and huge clients


    Apparently Fidelity’s benefit administration services division screwed up 22,000 GM employees and retirees who no longer have benefits (temporarily). Now, I don’t usually comment on benefits administration, but as this is part of Fidelity’s larger HRO offering, I will. I…

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    ESS, ROI, and SHRM


    If you have access to, you might want to check out an article called “Leveraging the Shift to Self-Service-It’s Time to Go Strategic” by “Leslie A. Weatherly, SPHR, HR Content Expert.” It just further proves to me why I…

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    Sungard is going private


    In a surprising move (to me) Sungard is going private with the purchase of the company by a group of investors. Why is this important to HR? There are a couple of aspects. First, they do provide some 401(k) technology…

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    Mellon HRMS Survey for 2005 – Immature HRO Industry


    Again, here’s another somewhat self serving HRMS survey, but Mellon actually surveyed a couple hundred HR and finance professionals, so it looks pretty good and objective. Also, Mellon was in the middle of trying to sell their HRO business while…

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    How Interest rate hikes affect ROI


    As interest rates keep inching higher, HR professionals often have trouble with creating ROI presentations that are meaningful to financial executives. This week, Greenspan announced that there is some inflation risk in the economy, meaning that interest rates may rise…

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    IT doesn’t want technology, top management does!!


    In a bizzar twist, AT Kearny announced a new survey saying that IT professionals were less likely to want to be on the “bleeding edge” of technology than many business leaders. Seems that these business leaders are getting used to…

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    Aon’s self serving press release and ROI


    I promise I will do a post on ROI in the near future. This is a bit of a rant about consutling company studies that are publisehd in trade magazines that are clearly not an attempt at objectivity. Aon is…

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    Sarbanes Oxley and a case for Outsourcing


    Thought I’d take a minute to comment on Deloitte’s top 10 problems for financial reporting in 2005. See it here Note that the top 2 items are very HR oriented (number 2 because it hits everyone). The first item is…