
The intersection between HR strategy and HR technology


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    HR Metrics: External recruitment rate


    Feb 4 The external recruitment rate is important because it informs of the organization’s ability to provide growth opportunities for employees and alternatively to infuse new ideas from outside the organization.  Both of these concepts are important, and the desired…

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    LinkedIn Talent Advantage


    LinkedIn is expanding it’s corporate recruiting functionality today with Talent Advantage.  Really, all of the functionality is old stuff that has been rebranded.  There is a new “Custom Company Profile” which I think has existed in one form or another…

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    HR Metrics: Competency fill rates


    By now, many of our organizations have competency assignments for each candidate and employee within the organization.  Along with those competency assignments you probably have skill levels for each competency.  Assigning a numerical value to each competency level, we should…

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    HR Metrics: Quality of Hire


    All too often, we talk about the quality of hire measured by a new employee’s first performance review.  We like to correlate this metric back to the source of hire, business units, recruiters, etc to identify who is doing the…

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    Recruiting CRM’s


    There seems to be a fairly significant movement from recruiting as an applicant tracking system to a relationship management system.  At this point, I’m advocating recruiting CRM’s in some niche areas of talent acquisition.  The idea behind the recruiting CRM…

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    HR Metrics: Offer Accept Rate


    Last time I looked for a job, I had three offers.  Each of these offers were with very similar organizations, with very similar offer packages, and with exactly the same type of work.  What actually made the difference?  It was…

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    Changing Talent Strategies for HR Strategies


    So how many people do you have?  What are their competencies?  What is the total aggregated of any particular competency in your entire employee base?  What is the engagement level for each of those employee populations for those competencies?  Do…

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    The Singularity


    What is “the singularity?” It’s basically the Terminator movie in practice.  The singularity predicts that there is a point where computers become so intelligent that they are able to self replicate, they are able to generate knowledge at a supremely…

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    Up through the Beijing Olympics, I’d been reading stories almost on a daily basis about how China was trying to present a public image of itself that was not necessarily the truth. ­Limited access for journalists (to protect the athletes?): …

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    Enterprise 2.0 Diagram


    I ran across this quite interesting and comprehensive e2.0 diagram and thought I’d share.  I like how it’s organized with Actors, Technologies and Methods as part of the engine behind e2.0, but as usual I have a few comments. I…

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    Microsoft’s Attempt at GenY


    Hey, Genius.  We want you.  We know you’re genius in some way or another.  Whether you’re code crazy, binary brilliant or master of origami dollhouses, it’s all good by us.  So if you’re feeling genius at the moment, or just…

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    Integrating Talent Applications (Suites)


    As we seem to be moving past the initial enamoration of talent functionality, there seems to be more and more disillusionment with the lack of full integration that we are used to expecting with more mature applications like HRIS, payroll…

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    Stages in Talent Management Maturity


    The taleo blog recently wrote a piece about the sages of maturity for talent management solutions.  I actually like this 4 stage continuum, and think it applies to more than just talent management suites. STAGE 1: Companies use automated core…

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    Engagement Over: Workstream-Empagio


    Why Workstream wanted to be tied to Empagio in the first place never quite made sense to me.  When their merger was announced several months ago, everyone knew Workstream needed some cash to continue with their R&D and sales goals. …

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    US Businesses for Sale?


    Back in I guess what was the 80’s, there was all the rage over Japanese money buying US property and business.  Well times have changed and there is an interesting dichotomy going on.  Now, the U.S. economy is outsourcing to…

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    HR Budgets & the Economy


    The economy is in the tank, and while predictions are that things will get better in 2009, many HR leaders are doing budgets right now.  The problem with recessions and HR is that HR budgets often take longer to come…

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    There is a single offboarding experience that sticks out in my mind as one of the most positive work experiences I’ve ever had.  While these days we have technology and alumni networks to help us out, successful offboarding is more…

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    Your Best Employees


    So who are your best employees?  Are they simply the top performance scores?  Are they the ones who hold the most patents?  Have the best win ratio when in court?  I’m a firm believer that while there are some natural…

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    Management Gurus: Peter Principle and HR


    While I’m sure everyone thinks I’m going to write about Tom Peters, instead, there is another, more famous Peter Principle out there: The Peter Principle is the principle that “In a Hierarchy Every Employee Tends to Rise to His Level…

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    Management Gurus: Drucker and HR


    Interestingly enough, Peter Drucker was writing about talent management as early as 1945. He was clearly decades ahead of his time, and his earliest writings still contain lessons for all of management including the HR function. Drucker was keen on…